Photoset #26435 - 2 x oak (for approval)

Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Photo #103286
Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Photo #103287
Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Photo #103288
Metal in both edges (we will cut one edge down to 10")
Metal free (leave as-is and let KJ Post decide which pieces to use for)
Photo #103289
Metal free (leave as-is and let KJ Post decide which pieces to use for)
Metal free (leave as-is and let KJ Post decide which pieces to use for)
Photo #103290
Metal free (leave as-is and let KJ Post decide which pieces to use for)