Trestlewood is pleased to announce the availability of beautiful structural timbers salvaged from the historic Harlowton, Montana Roundhouse.
The Harlowton Roundhouse was an integral part of the Milwaukee Road network. Harlowton was situated at the juncture of the Milwaukee Road's eastern network which operated steam (and later, diesel) locomotives and the western network which was electrified. A newspaper article in the Roundup Record-Tribune dated January 20, 1999 documents some of the history of the roundhouse and gives a flavor of the importance of such a structure in the life of a small Montana railroad town.
Other online resources help to document the wonderful history of this fine structure. A virtual tour of Harlowton and Roundhouse is available and has some wonderful old photos of Harlowton railroading of the past. The Wikimapia Listing has a brief description of the Roundhouse and a fine satelite view of the Roundhouse on the edge of town (you can still see the outline of where the turntable pit was). Finally, a fan of history has posted photos of the abandoned Roundhouse which show that state of the Roundhouse prior to deconstruction.
Trestlewood invites you to join us in giving new life to the timbers from this fabulous old Roundhouse. Every bolt hole and crack helps to tell the story of railroading in turn-of-the-century Montana.
The Harlowton Roundhouse timbers come in a variety of sizes including 10x18, 8x16 and 6x12. Many of the timbers exceed 25' in length. |
The timbers salvaged from the Roundhouse have a dark brown tone. The dark tone resulted from years of being fumed in coal (and later diesel) exhaust in the roof structure of the Roundhouse. |
After pressure-washing, the timbers have a wonderful light brown tone which is a great contrast to the bolt holes and staining. The color and character of these timbers reinforce the fact that these timbers have a truly unique story to tell. |
If you have a customer who is interested in a historic source of timbers around which to design a timberframe project, please contact us. These timbers should go to someone who will be as thrilled to know about their rich heritage as we are.
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