The story of Trestlewood the company begins with the Lucin Cut-off Railroad Trestle, a 1900-era twelve mile long railroad trestle which crossed the Great Salt Lake. The trestle was an engineering marvel when it was built and enjoyed a romantic history as an important part of the transontinental railroad system. You can see some great historical pictures HERE.
Trestlewood began the complicated work of dismantling the trestle in 1993. The work was done using the Ticonderoga, a massive steel barge with a crane and trackhoe and involved all of the challenges and dangers of working on the Great Salt Lake.
Concurrently, Trestlewood began the equally challenging task of marketing the Douglas Fir timbers and pilings and redwood lumber from the trestle. It has been Trestlewood's honor to find hundreds of new homes for the materials from the trestle.
Over the years, our customers have wondered when the 30 million board feet of material in the trestle would run out? The answer is that the material from the trestle will last for several more years and Trestlewood is pleased to re-introduce our customers to materials from the trestle in the form of Trestlewood II Weathered Timbers.
Trestlewood II Weathered Timbers are cut out of the trestle's Douglas Fir piling on a traditional circle saw which gives these timbers a great circlesawn texture. The timbers are then laid out to weather. |
Trestlewood II Timbers are rotated periodically to ensure that each side is well-weathered. Each timber is also barcoded so that our sales personnel have a good handle on the amount of inventory we have in various sizes at any given time. When the timbers are fully weathered, they are stacked in like sizes, ready for sale. |
Trestlewood has thousands of Trestlewood II Weathered Timbers in all sizes (clustered in standard sizes like 6x12, 8x10, 8x12, 10x12, 12x12, etc.) In all, Trestlewood has more than 1.3 million board feet of Trestlewood II Timbers in inventory right now. |
What about the salt? Don't worry, Trestlewood II Weathered Timbers have the same great characteristics (including the salt) as the Trestlewood II timbers you have seen in the past. The Specification Sheet has all of the details of the characteristics you should expect from these timbers. |
The end result is a huge source of historic, rustic, beautiful timbers which work well with other weathered timbers or which can stand alone as a consistent source to complete an entire package. |
If you have a demanding client who insists on weathered reclaimed timbers, tell them about the romantic history and consistent look and character of Trestlewood II Weathered Timbers. We can arrange for pictures, samples or a site visit to help dial your customer in to this fabulous source of reclaimed timbers.
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