3" and 4" Roughsawn Planks from Eastern USA

Trestlewood recently added a significant new batch of material to its inventory. One of Trestlewood's most trusted demolition suppliers has provided Trestlewood with a source of beautiful roughsawn joist material from demolition projects on the eastern seaboard of the United States. To this point, Trestlewood has received 250,000 board feet of this material in its yard in Blackfoot, Idaho.

The material is beautiful old-growth softwoods that were used to build warehouses and factories in the years between the Civil War and the turn of the century. The material has a wonderful roughsawn patina with rich colors which tend toward browns. Some of the material has had the metal removed and can be processed into smaller materials, while some of the material is offered in its as-is size.

3x10 Roughsawn Joists
Please visit this photoset to see the characteristics of this material. Trestlewood envisions this material being used for applications where a rustic roughsawn patina is specified. This source of material will be especially useful for large projects where a relatively consistent look is needed over thousands of board feet.
3 x 12 Joists End Grain / This 3x12 material is high-quality old growth lumber
This photoset shows the quality and consistency of this material. The grain is generally very tight and the planks are solid and sound. If you need a source of high-quality weathered materials with a consistent look for a large or ongoing project, this is the source you have been looking for.

Please contact your Trestlewood representative for more information about this exciting new source of reclaimed wood. We appreciate your consideration of Trestlewood for all of your unique wood products needs.