Photoset #585 - Weathered Oak Boards 1x6

Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note varying texture and color
Photo #5396
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note varying texture and color
Weathered Oak 1x6 in bundles
Photo #5397
Weathered Oak 1x6 in bundles
Weathered Oak 1x6 in bundles
Photo #5398
Weathered Oak 1x6 in bundles
Weathered Oak 1x6 painted black
Photo #5399
Weathered Oak 1x6 painted black
Weathered Oak 1x6 painted black
Photo #5400
Weathered Oak 1x6 painted black
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note the wide range of colors and tones
Photo #5401
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note the wide range of colors and tones
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note full 1" thickness
Photo #5402
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note full 1" thickness
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note full 1" thickness and nails
Photo #5403
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note full 1" thickness and nails
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note nails on ends
Photo #5404
Weathered Oak 1x6 / Note nails on ends