Photoset #1878 - SOLD - bc# 48712 - 11x12 x 32' Trailblazer Oak Weathered Timbers - 352.00 bf

Barcode record
Photo #15730
Barcode record
Width varies from about 10 1/4" to 10 1/2"+ (depending on where you measure on the timber)
Photo #15731
Width varies from about 10 1/4" to 10 1/2"+ (depending on where you measure on the timber)
Depth seems to be 11 1/2"+.
Photo #15732
Depth seems to be 11 1/2"+.
Very solid timber with a lot of notches.
Photo #15733
Very solid timber with a lot of notches.
Bottom face is clean of notches.
Photo #15734
Bottom face is clean of notches.

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Trailblazer Oak Weathered