8 Things to Remember About Trestlewood Samples

Feb 27, 2014

  1. There is no such thing as a representative sample.  No two Trestlewood boards are exactly alike.  No Trestlewood sample (or set of samples) can be expected to perfectly capture the range of character in a Trestlewood product.

  1. Characteristics that vary widely within a particular product and/or that are more random than predictable in pattern are especially difficult to capture via sample.  Characteristics that can be challenging to communicate via sample include species (many Trestlewood products involve mixed species; a single sample board, by definition, will be 1 species); weathering; color and texture; dimensions; holes; checking/cracking; rot/degrade; staining; wear marks; mortise and tenon pockets; grain density; grain orientation; knot content; etc.

  1. Samples should be used in conjunction with other product selection tools, including specification sheets, proposal line items and terms, web site product pages and photos.

  1. Where there is an inconsistency between various product selection tools, specification sheets and proposal line items and terms take precedence over samples and photos.

  1. Do not read too much into a sample.  If a sample has a characteristic which is not consistent with (or even addressed by) the relevant specification sheet, do not assume that the product used to fill your order will have that characteristic. Similarly, do not assume that the absence of a characteristic in a sample means that the product used to fill your order will not have that characteristic.  If a particular characteristic (either its existence or its absence) is important to you and the specification sheet/proposal do not make it clear whether the characteristic can be expected, make sure you communicate what you want to Trestlewood so that we can quote accordingly (or tell you why it is not practical to do so.)

  1. Samples should generally be used to confirm/finalize product decisions, not to initiate the product selection process.  We often use proposals to "prequalify" samples (if the pricing, time frame, quantities available, or other aspect of a product eliminates it from consideration for your project, we think it is in both of our interests to know that before sampling rather than after.)  

  1. Trestlewood's focus is on standard samples.  Standard samples are generally single boards, unfinished (and often otherwise unprocessed) and in the dimensions selected by Trestlewood.  The most common sample length is 17.5".  Many samples are 1" thick and approximately 6" wide.  Custom samples can be requested under certain circumstances. Custom samples will often result in longer sample lead times and higher sample costs.

  1. Trestlewood will generally fill reasonable standard sample requests shipped via UPS Ground at its expense.  Customized sample requests, including expedited shipping, will generally be at the expense of the customer.




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