Hand-Hewn Timbers YouTube Video

Oct 26, 2016

Check out the YouTube video that Trestlewood recently produced to show off its hand-hewn timber product line:

Some things to keep in mind if you are interested in a hand-hewn timber package:

  1. Trestlewood has over 500,000 board feet of hand-hewn timbers currently in stock (over 30 semi-truck loads); we made a concerted effort over the summer to organize these timbers and get them ready for your project - we are in great position to fill hand-hewn timber orders quickly and efficiently;

  1. Hand-hewn timbers tend to cluster around square or close-to-square sizes.  Trestlewood's top 3 hand-hewn timber size groupings are:

a. 10x10s (10x10, 9x10, 9x9, 10x11, 11x11);
b. 8x8s (8x8, 7x8, 8x9, 7x7, 9x9); and
c. 12x12s (12x12, 11x12, 11x11, 12x13.)  

Designing around these sizes (especially 10x10s) can increase selection and decrease costs;
  1. If your application involves a hidden wide face, Trestlewood can often produce rectangular hand-hewn timbers by splitting larger timbers.  For example, a 10x10 hand-hewn timber can be split into two 5x10 timbers, each with 3 hewn faces (1 10" and 2 5") and 1 non-hewn face (10");

  1. Trestlewood also has large quantities of weathered rustic timbers that can often be used effectively to supplement hand-hewn timbers in sizes that are not readily available in hand-hewn (6x6 and smaller, rectangular, larger than 12x12);

  1. Hand-hewn timbers are a beautiful, distinctive, rustic timber option.  Rustic is a key part of the equation with this product line (and adds significantly to its charm.)  Asking for hand-hewn timbers without pockets or notches is sort of like asking for a cheeseburger without cheese.

See also:


 hand-hewn  youtube


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